Ex-PM Manmohan Singh’s Himachal connection and plan he announced to cut state’s debt

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Former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, who passed away at the age of 92 at AIIMS-New Delhi on Thursday (December 26, 2024), shared a profound connection with Himachal Pradesh.
During his tenure from 2004 to 2014, Manmohan Singh initiated several development projects that significantly impacted the state’s infrastructure, education, tourism and connectivity. He had even assured Himachal of supporting the state with a financial structural adjustment facility loan to reduce its debt.
As the Prime Minister, his visit to Shimla on May 28, 2005, was particularly notable as he announced a series of transformative measures for the state.
Manmohan Singh had addressed the press at Shimla after the Power Secretaries’ meeting and a meeting with the Himachal Pradesh cabinet. The Prime Minister had announced some central initiatives for the state in his opening remarks at the press conference. The initiatives, which can be fetched at the PMO archives with the link https://archivepmo.nic.in/drmanmohansingh/press-details.php?nodeid=249 were as follows:

A. Railways

  • Bhanupali to Bilaspur (110 km) – will take it up with Railways
  • Nangal to Talwara – Construction will be speeded up and completed by 2008. State government must acquire land in time
  • Chandigarh to Baddi – Survey will be completed by December 2005
  • Inland Container Depot at Baddi – CONCOR is being asked to examine the feasibility and the Centre will take a sympathetic view

B. Human Resource Development

  • Grant for infrastructure upgradation of 3 Universities – Rs 20 crore will be provided for this purpose

C. Drinking water

  • Special Project will be taken up under Bharat Nirman to achieve universal coverage by 2007 to cover 6,000 partially covered habitations. Will cost approx Rs.500 crore.

D. Road connectivity

  • Special Assistance of Rs 200 crore will be provided under the PMGSY to cover 410 panchayats of approx 250 population.

E. Airports

  • Kangra airport – Extension of runway by 400 ft. will accommodate 45-seater ATR aircraft. State government must divert a road which will cut the runway.
  • Kullu airport – Runway being extended, communication equipment will be installed and Deccan Airways will commence flights from third week of June
  • Helicopters – Viability gap funding of up to Rs 1 crore per helicopter will be provided for procuring helicopters.

F. Tourism

  • All possible assistance will be given for promotion of tourism at 8-10 designated centres.

G. Plan

  • Special Plan Assistance of Rs 400 crore for 2005-06 will be untied

H. Power

  • Himachal Pradesh’s equity in the NHPC projects can be enhanced from 25% to 30%. This will increase benefits to the state.

I. Doordarshan

  • 20,000 set-top DTH boxes will be provided free to the two remote districts of Lahaul-Spiti and Kinnaur.

J. Financial restructuring

  • HP will be supported with a structural adjustment facility loan to reduce its debt.

K. Irrigation

  • If the state sends proposals for gravity irrigation in remote areas, the Government of India will examine this favourably.
Sunil Chadda

Sunil Chadda

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