October 17, 2024
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Protest Erupts in Mandi Over Mosque Demolition Demand

Mandi witnesses a tense standoff between Hindu organizations and the administration as protesters demand the demolition of a mosque, resulting in slogans, clashes, and water cannons.

Demonstration Sparks Chaos in Mandi

In a major protest led by several Hindu organizations, streets of Mandi saw heavy demonstrations on Friday. The agitators demanded the demolition of a mosque located on Jail Road, raising slogans against both the Muslim community and the district administration. The protest, which began around 11:30 AM, escalated as protesters gathered near Seri Stage and later took out a procession throughout the city, eventually reaching Sukodi Chowk.

The protest was marked by intense slogan-shouting, not just against Muslims but also targeting the municipal corporation, district authorities, and the state government.



Water Cannons Used to Disperse Crowd

Police forces, anticipating the unrest, had already set up barricades and deployed heavy security near the protest site. As some of the demonstrators attempted to breach the barricades, they were met with water cannons. In the ensuing scuffle, there were minor clashes between protesters and the police, though no one managed to cross the barricades.

The scene remained tense for nearly an hour and a half, with continuous attempts by the crowd to move forward being thwarted by police using water jets. The protest, however, did not escalate into significant violence, and by the end of the confrontation, law enforcement had managed to keep the situation under control.

DC and SP Intervene to Pacify Protesters

As the situation intensified, Mandi’s Deputy Commissioner Apurva Devgan and Superintendent of Police Sakshi Verma arrived at the scene to engage with the protesters. After holding discussions with some representatives from the protesting groups, the crowd eventually began to disperse.

In a statement to the media, DC Devgan assured that the administration is already taking appropriate legal action regarding the mosque’s construction. He mentioned that the illegal structures around the mosque were being voluntarily dismantled by the mosque committee itself, and any future action would also be taken in accordance with the law.

Demand for Verification of Outsiders Raised

During the protests, demonstrators also voiced concerns over individuals from other states working in Mandi, demanding stringent verification processes. Addressing this issue, DC Devgan clarified that the police are already conducting verifications of outsiders working in the area and assured that anyone found residing without proper verification would face investigation.

“We will ensure strict compliance with the verification process and take necessary actions if any lapses are found,” Devgan added, while appealing to the public to maintain peace and communal harmony.

Protesters Unhappy, Issue Ultimatum

Despite the administration’s assurances, the protesters remained dissatisfied. They stood firm on their demand for the immediate demolition of the mosque. Protesters Gulshan, Sarita Handa, and Prashant Sharma expressed their dissatisfaction with the assurances given by the authorities, accusing them of attempting to pacify the crowd without taking concrete action.

The protesters issued an ultimatum, warning that if the mosque is not demolished within 30 days, a more aggressive movement would be launched. “If the administration had acted earlier against the illegal construction, we wouldn’t have had to come out onto the streets today,” said one of the protest leaders, adding that the district administration would be held responsible for any further unrest.



No Major Incident Reported

Although the protest was marked by clashes and confrontations, no major incidents or violence were reported. The police, apart from the use of water cannons, refrained from using excessive force, and the majority of the demonstration remained peaceful.

To prevent any escalation, the administration had completely blocked traffic on the road leading to the mosque. A police force was stationed near the mosque, and security was tightened at all entry points to the city, ensuring no further unrest.


As the protest in Mandi draws to a close, the situation remains tense with protesters issuing a 30-day ultimatum. The district administration has assured that they are acting within the bounds of the law, but the possibility of future unrest looms large if the mosque is not demolished as demanded. The coming days will determine whether peace can be maintained or if the district will witness further agitations.

Meanwhile the members of Vyapar Mandal have decided to keep all the shops closed between 9:00 AM till 11:00 AM in support of the protests against illegal construction of mosque in Jail road area of the town. President of the Vyapar Mandal Rajesh Mahindroo said that they were not against any particular section of the society but the district administration should be made answerable how such illegal construction continued under their jurisdiction. He added that administration should take necessary steps for registration of outsiders coming to the district .

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