On Tuesday, Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu inaugurated the much-anticipated Mata Baglamukhi ropeway in Mandi district, but not without stirring political controversy. A day prior to the event, former CM and Leader of the Opposition Jairam Thakur claimed credit for the project, accusing Sukhu of misleading the public by rebranding initiatives launched during the BJP’s tenure.
In an informal interaction with the media, Thakur had emphasized that the ₹50 crore project was conceptualized under the BJP government and is India’s first NABARD-funded ropeway. “While Sukhu is welcome to inaugurate projects, claiming them as his own achievements is dishonest,” Thakur remarked. He criticized the Congress government for a growing trend of “re-inaugurations” of BJP projects, urging Sukhu to focus on launching new initiatives instead.
Thakur also referenced the *Dhalli bus stand project, where he alleged a similar false claim by Sukhu. According to Thakur, ₹4 crore was allocated for the bus stand under the *Smart City Project in 2022, with funds released in phases.
Sukhu’s Vision: A Tourism Game-Changer
During the inaugural ceremony, Sukhu presented the ropeway as a symbol of modern engineering and sustainable development. Built at a cost of ₹53.89 crore, the 800-meter-long ropeway crosses over the *Pandoh Dam, connecting Pandoh in Bakhli to the *Mata Baglamukhi Temple. The state-of-the-art facility, designed to European standards, reduces the travel distance to the temple by 14 km and can ferry 600 passengers per hour.
Sukhu highlighted the project’s eco-friendly aspects, emphasizing its role in promoting *sustainable tourism. He expressed optimism that the ropeway would not only attract more devotees to the temple but also enhance tourism in destinations like **Kullu-Manali, Kasol, and *Lahaul-Spiti.
“This project demonstrates our commitment to building infrastructure that respects both progress and environmental conservation,” Sukhu said, praising the ropeway’s potential to boost the local economy and provide a unique experience for visitors.
A Political Power Play
The disagreement between Sukhu and Thakur is part of a broader narrative in Himachal Pradesh politics, where infrastructure projects frequently become contested ground for political credit. Thakur’s insistence on recognizing the BJP’s contributions reflects an ongoing battle for public perception, while Sukhu framed the project as evidence of his government’s development priorities.
As the ropeway officially opened to the public, it stood as a symbol of progress—but also of political rivalry. Whether it bridges the divide between parties or deepens political rifts remains to be seen. For now, the people of Himachal Pradesh can look forward to a new travel experience, shaped by both innovation and contention.