Under the SVEEP campaign, a voter awareness program was organized at the Khaniyara Senior Secondary School in the Dharamshala constituency. The event, aimed at raising awareness among voters for the upcoming Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha by-elections, was presided over by the school’s principal, Anish Baniyal. Assisted by Assistant Electoral Officer for Assembly Constituency 18-Dharamshala and SDM Sanjeev Kumar Bhot, the nodal officer of the sweep team, Dr. Amit Katoch, along with other medical professionals, encouraged attendees to increase voter turnout.
During the program, attendees pledged to responsibly exercise their voting rights as democratic citizens. Detailed information about the significance of voting and the electoral process was provided, along with instructions to verify voter registration through the online voter help-line app. Participants were urged to ensure their participation in the democratic process and to encourage others in their communities to vote. Additionally, a voter awareness rally was conducted, with school staff and community members present, including BLO Suraj Kumar, Savarna Devi, Mamta Devi, Anjana Kumari, Rama, and Manju Bala.