October 6, 2024
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Lecture Series by Sister Nivedita Study Circle at HPCU

The Newz Radar

The Sister Nivedita Study Circle at Himachal Pradesh Central University commenced its lecture series with an enlightening discourse on the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda’s disciple, Sister Nivedita.

The inaugural lecture series took place at Seminar Hall, Dhouladhar Campus-1, with a symposium on “Sister Nivedita’s Life Message: A Magnificent Saga Devoted to Indian People, Land, and Culture.” The event began with Vedic chants and the lighting of the ceremonial lamp.

The chief guest, Arjun Anand, National Coordinator (Research), and State Head Dr. Harish Gautam graced the occasion. Ankur Koundal, the head of the study circle, welcomed all the main speakers, distinguished guests, professors, researchers, and students, shedding light on the role of the study circle.

Following this, Dr. Harish Gautam extended his congratulations on the initiation of the new program and encouraged research on India’s cultural panorama. He urged attendees to explore various aspects through research and contribute to uncovering the diverse facets of ancient Indian civilization.

Arjun Anand, in his address, initiated with the words “If the question is about India, the answer will also be from India,” emphasizing the significance of understanding India’s ancient culture. He highlighted how foreign perceptions often misinterpret India’s civilization and shared Sister Nivedita’s journey of being drawn to India and dedicating her entire life to the nation. He spoke about her deeds as a source of inspiration and vitality for all. He underscored the importance of understanding “People, Land, and Culture” for the nation’s progress.

The event was also attended by Rahul Rana, the National Minister of the All India Students’ Federation, and Vishal Saklani, the District Organizational Minister.


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