In a heartening homecoming, Vishal, one of the 41 workers previously trapped in Uttarakhand’s Silkayara tunnel collapse, returned to Mandi amidst an exuberant reception. Family, friends, local MLA Inder Singh Gandhi, Mandi District BJP head Nihal Chand, Zila Prishad member Priyanta Sharma, and hundreds of villagers celebrated Vishal’s safe emergence from the tunnel after a challenging 17-day ordeal.
Greeted with traditional welcomes, bouquets, and drumbeats, Vishal’s journey from the parking area to his home was a festive spectacle. The crowd, echoing chants of “modi hai to mumkin hai,” expressed solidarity and joy as they celebrated his safe return.
Vishal, acknowledging the warmth of the reception, graciously accepted blessings from elders and embraced others with broad smiles. His mother, Urmila, performed an emotional “aarit” on him, declaring her determination to keep him close, away from any future dangers.
Local MLA Inder Singh Gandhi addressed the occasion, highlighting the government’s responsibility to provide employment, expressing concern over youth leaving the state due to limited opportunities. He questioned the unfulfilled promise of five lakh jobs for unemployed youth and pledged efforts to help Vishal secure employment through outsourcing.
In an exclusive interview with TNR, Vishal expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and global well-wishers for their support during the challenging period. Following the tunnel rescue, all 41 workers underwent screening and health checkups at the Chiniyalisaur Community Health Center in Uttarakhand before being transported to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rishikesh, for a comprehensive health assessment.