June 16, 2024
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Late Congress minister Sukh Ram’s grandson backs Kangana, calls Vikramaditya’s mindset ‘impure’

congress vikramaditya late sukh ram ashray kangana

MANDI: Ashray Sharma, former Congress Lok Sabha candidate and grandson of late party veteran Sukh Ram who is now in the BJP, has launched a sharp attack on the Congress and its Mandi parliamentary constituency candidate Vikramaditya Singh claiming he was “bound to lose” to BJP candidate and actor Kangana Ranaut in Mandi.

Addressing a press conference in Mandi on Thursday, Sharma accused the Congress leaders of making statements that “embarrassed” the state on the national and international stage due to their frustration over their impending defeat.

Sharma condemned Vikramaditya’s derogatory remarks about Kangana Ranaut, including comments about cleaning temples. He asserted that it is not Kangana but Vikramaditya’s mindset that is impure, leading him to make such statements.

Sharma suggested that Vikramaditya’s comments stem from anxiety over his likely electoral defeat, and accused him of trying to distract the public from real issues.

Sharma recounted his recent visit to Rampur, where he observed that locals felt betrayed. Despite being elected based on emotional appeals, Sharma noted, neither the minister nor the MP managed to deliver any significant development in Rampur.

He criticised Vikramaditya for seeking votes in the Lok Sabha elections by once again invoking his royal status, calling it unfortunate.

Praising the decision to field Kangana Ranaut as a candidate from Mandi, Sharma called it a matter of pride for the entire state. He expressed confidence that Kangana would make a name for herself in national politics. Additionally, Sharma urged everyone to participate enthusiastically in Prime Minister Modi’s rally in Mandi on May 24. He predicted that Modi would be elected Prime Minister for a third term, with BJP winning all four seats in the state.

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