Financial discipline only for common people, why can’t netas do it? Satyendra Gautam criticises Himachal govt’s double standards


DHARAMSHALA: Satyendra Gautam, state president and former national secretary of the National Federation of Telecom, has taken a sharp dig at the Himachal Pradesh government, accusing it of imposing financial hardships on common people, employees and pensioners while allowing officers and dignitaries to enjoy unchecked benefits.

In a statement, Gautam highlighted the alleged growing disparity between the treatment of ordinary citizens and that of government officials and elected representatives. He pointed out that while the government cites economic discipline as the reason for delaying salaries and pensions, there has been no reduction in the lavish allowances and perks enjoyed by MLAs and other high-ranking officials.

Why Rs 15,000 phone allowance instead of Rs 1,000?

Gautam specifically criticised the monthly telephone allowance of Rs 15,000 provided to MLAs, which he argued was far beyond what is necessary. “In today’s times, mobile expenses range between Rs 700 to Rs 1,000 per month, yet MLAs receive Rs 15,000. Why has the government turned a blind eye to this?” he questioned.

Rs 95,000 public felicitation grant questioned

He also raised concerns about the practice of dignitaries receiving Rs 95,000 from the government treasury under the pretext of public felicitation. “While they are getting people felicitated by dignitaries, they themselves are pocketing hefty sums,” he added.


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Further, Gautam drew attention to the travel allowances given to former and present MLAs, ministers, the Chief Minister and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, who can claim up to Rs 4 lakhs annually for travel expenses. He expressed frustration over the government’s decision to fill posts such as Chairman and Vice-Chairman while simultaneously increasing their salaries and allowances, all without any financial restraint.

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One of the most concerning points raised by Gautam was the disparity in healthcare access. Under the Himcare scheme, treatment for common people in private hospitals has been stopped, yet the elected representatives can receive treatment anywhere, he said. To compensate for these expenses, the government is preparing to burden the common people by increasing electricity and water bills.

Gautam also criticised the unchecked expenditures of officers, highlighting the provision of separate vehicles for their wives and children. He called for an immediate end to such wasteful spending, particularly the Rs 4 lakh allotted annually for pension outings and hospitality allowances for MLAs. He also suggested capping mobile expenses at Rs 1,000 per month and reducing the excessive use of official vehicles by officers.

“If the government is serious about financial discipline, it should start by curbing the unnecessary expenses of its officers and dignitaries. Otherwise, Himachal’s economy will not improve by simply burdening the common people and stripping employees and pensioners of their rights,” Gautam asserted.

Sunil Chadda

Sunil Chadda