May 15, 2024
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Dharamshala Set to Host Inaugural Spring Carnival

dharamshala spring carnival inaugural

TNR Desk

Dharamshala: Vinay Dhiman, the tourism officer of Kangra district, announced that the much-anticipated Spring Carnival in Dharamshala will take place from February 25 to 29.

He highlighted that this event is a new initiative for the year, promising a variety of programs and encouraging both locals and tourists to participate.

Dhiman mentioned the inclusion of 5-star nights showcasing Himachali culture and a “Voice of Dhauladhar” contest, with auditions scheduled for February 18 at the Dharamshala College Auditorium.

Additionally, the Spring Carnival will feature new attractions such as the “Harmony of Pines” (police band) and a brass band contest. In line with current trends, there will be a Traditional Fashion Show, with participation from institutions like NIFT Kangra.

The event will also showcase Himachal’s arts and architecture through an exhibition. A Food Festival and a Gaming Zone for children are other highlights.

The venue for the carnival is set at Dari Mela Ground in Dharamshala. Dheeman emphasized efforts to involve tourists, with ongoing collaborations with travel agents. This initiative aims to blend tradition and modernity, creating a vibrant celebration of life in the hills during the spring season.

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