September 29, 2024
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World Music Day to Honour Himachali Artists

himachal artist world music day

Dharamshala: On June 21, 2024, World Music Day will witness a grand celebration honoring the artists of Himachal Pradesh. Artists from various streams and backgrounds will be recognized for their significant contributions to the art and culture of this scenic hill state.

The event is being organized by the Hollywood Association. Vinod Bhardwaj, Chairman of the association, stated that the primary aim is to promote Himachali culture. “The promotion of art and the aesthetic standards of the people of Himachal is our sole aim,” he added.

Vocal artists are slated to perform on this day, adding a melodious touch to the celebrations. The association will distribute awards to deserving artists, directly honoring their work and contributions. This recognition aims to provide recipients with a sense of accomplishment for their various milestones and achievements.

“When presented with a unique and tangible award like an Altrum trophy, recipients are recognized, thanked, and appreciated for their hard work and dedication in achieving successful results,” said another association member.

This recognition extends beyond the celebration itself, highlighting the value of the hard labor and effort that brought these artists to this point. It is the first time that World Music Day will be celebrated in such a manner in Himachal Pradesh, marking a significant milestone in the promotion of the region’s rich cultural heritage.

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