September 29, 2024
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Smart City Project: Not Only Killing Beauty, But Also Taking Lives

smart city project

Dharamshala: The once serene and picturesque town of Dharamshala is paying a heavy price for the ongoing Smart City Project. What was meant to be a transformative initiative has turned into a nightmare for the local residents, with disrupted lives, open pits, and shoddy construction causing accidents and hardships. For many, the project is not just killing the beauty of this hill town but also taking lives—both figuratively and literally.

The recent plight of Deepmala Khanka, a roadside vendor, has brought this suffering to the forefront. Deepmala, who relies on selling momos to support herself and her elderly mother, is now bedridden after falling into an open pit left by careless construction work.

“I met with the accident near Maximus Mall around 9:00 PM on September 19th. There is nobody to look after me now, and the doctors say my leg is broken,” said Deepmala. With no income and no one to care for her, she is struggling to make ends meet, like many others who have suffered due to the poorly executed Smart City project.

But Deepmala’s case is not an isolated incident. Recently, a local restaurant owner lost his car when a wall collapsed on it, the result of unstable construction. Despite raising complaints with the authorities, little action has been taken. The town is riddled with open pits, incomplete work, and a general lack of accountability.


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Lack of Public Awareness and Transparency

The project has not only physically harmed the residents but has also financially drained the town without delivering meaningful improvements. People are left wondering—where is the accountability? Why aren’t residents demanding answers? Who is benefitting from the funds that were meant for public welfare?

There are critical questions that remain unanswered:

– Where is the transparency in spending?

The public needs to know who is profiting from the contracts, car rentals, and building leases tied to this project. Why were international consultants, who could have ensured higher standards, not brought in, even though officials took foreign trips on government money?

– Why is the government paying exorbitant amounts to consultants?

The administration is reportedly paying around ₹50 lakhs to consultants, yet the project continues to create hazards for the public.

– Where is the accountability?

An engineer previously accused of siphoning off project funds for influential figures has now left the project and is reportedly enjoying a luxurious life in Chandigarh. Meanwhile, the people of Dharamshala suffer in silence.


An Engineer’s Quiet Exit to Chandigarh

One of the key figures responsible for the Smart City Project’s financial mismanagement, an engineer who was allegedly diverting funds into the pockets of influential people, has quietly exited the scene. While the people of Dharamshala continue to endure the consequences of the botched project, this engineer has moved to Chandigarh, where he is said to be enjoying a comfortable lifestyle.

Despite his questionable role in the project’s mismanagement, no action has been taken against him. His departure has left many wondering why such individuals, directly responsible for public suffering, are not held accountable. Until the public demands accountability from those entrusted with their welfare, such impunity will continue to prevail.

Questions the Public Should Be Asking

The Smart City Project was meant to improve public infrastructure, but instead, it has failed to deliver even basic amenities. Open pits and unsafe structures have become a common sight, putting people’s lives at risk. The public must start demanding answers and holding their leaders accountable:


Also Read:

– Why is there no transparency in large-scale projects?

– Why do the people who govern us lack accountability?

– Is this the result of a lack of public awareness, or is it blatant misuse of power?

Dharamshala, a town known globally for its natural beauty and cultural significance, has been reduced to a mess by those looking to profit under the guise of public welfare. The Smart City Project is just one of many initiatives that have failed the people of this beautiful city. Until residents start asking tough questions and demanding change, these problems will continue, leaving them to bear the brunt of mismanagement and corruption.

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