October 6, 2024
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Patients suffer as Red Cross X-ray unit at Zonal Hospital in Mandi closed for several days

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 Outdated equipment leaves people stranded, questions raised on Red Cross Mission

Mandi: The X-ray unit established by the Red Cross Society at the Zonal Hospital in Mandi has been non-operational for several days, leaving many patients, especially those from economically weaker backgrounds, struggling for essential medical services.

The closure of this unit has caused significant inconvenience, particularly to poor and helpless patients, who have long relied on the Red Cross for affordable healthcare.

For years, the Red Cross provided X-ray services at significantly lower rates —30-40% cheaper than private labs — on a no-loss, no-profit basis. However, these essential services have now been halted, leaving vulnerable patients with limited alternatives.

Outsourced services benefiting

With the Red Cross unit closed, outsourced service provider Krsnaa Lab, operating within the Zonal Hospital, has stepped in to fill the void. However, Krsnaa Lab’s services come at a higher cost, making healthcare unaffordable for many low-income patients who previously relied on Red Cross facilities. This shift has sparked concerns among the public, who feel that the Red Cross is abandoning its core mission of providing low-cost healthcare to the underprivileged.


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Despite numerous complaints and calls for action, local authorities have failed to restore the Red Cross’s X-ray services. Neither the administration nor the Red Cross Society appears to be taking the necessary steps to address the growing health needs of Mandi’s population, said a local resident.

For 5 years, Red Cross lab also shut

The situation has been further exacerbated by the closure of the Red Cross lab, which has remained shut for the last five years. Previously, the lab provided essential diagnostic services at a fraction of the cost, benefitting local residents. Now, patients are forced to rely either on government labs or expensive outsourced services, raising further questions about the role of the Red Cross in today’s healthcare environment.

Local residents are increasingly frustrated with the situation, questioning whether the closures are benefiting private operators and labs at the expense of public health. The widespread shutdown of Red Cross services has led to rising speculation that the organization may be veering toward commercialisation, a sharp departure from its original humanitarian mission.

Donors and public demand action

The closure of the X-ray unit and lab has not only left patients in distress but also shocked donors who have contributed to the Red Cross’s cause over the years. These philanthropists are now questioning the direction the organisation is heading.


Poor patients who frequently visit the facility are often met with locked doors, which has only fuelled the growing anger and frustration directed at the Red Cross.
The public has made a direct appeal to the Deputy Commissioner of Mandi, urging the administration to intervene and restore the Red Cross’s healthcare services at the hospital.

Secretary’s response: Aging equipment to blame

OP Bhatia, Secretary of the Red Cross Society in Mandi, acknowledged the public’s concerns and attributed the ongoing issues to outdated equipment. “The X-ray machine is quite old and has been facing frequent problems,” Bhatia said. He assured that efforts are being made to restore services as soon as possible. “The Red Cross Society has always been at the forefront of providing health services, and we are committed to doing so again,” he added.

What is the Red Cross Society?

The Red Cross Society is a voluntary humanitarian organisation focused on protecting human life and health. It plays a crucial role in providing disaster relief and healthcare services, particularly to vulnerable communities. With more than 700 branches across India, the Red Cross has long been a trusted provider of essential medical services. However, the current situation in Mandi raises serious questions about the future direction of its operations.

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