October 6, 2024
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Panic in Himachal town after leakage in power project tunnel, big rocks flow into Multhan market

TNR Desk
Residents living near the KU hydropower project in Lambadag, situated in Himachal Pradesh’s Kangra district on the border of Mandi, have been facing problems due to a major water leakage at the junction of the tunnel and penstock.
While water and slush flowed on the roads and pathways on Friday (May 11, 2024) afternoon, the incident now resulted in a cascade of large stones and water inundating the Multhan market area at night, leading to panic among the locals.
Around 9 pm on Friday, a deluge of water surged from the hills with a thunderous roar, inundating Multhan market with a considerable amount of debris and massive stones. This has left the market area choked with debris and rendered many homes uninhabitable, leading to the evacuation of affected residents.
The continuous flow of water from the tunnel has triggered fear and uncertainty among villagers. On Friday around 8 am, a similar incident occurred, resulting in a flood-like situation in Multhan market. The deluge of water, accompanied by a significant amount of debris, engulfed the market area, causing extensive damage to properties, including approximately 80 shops and 50 houses.
The aftermath saw a scramble for safety, with many individuals having a narrow escape. Additionally, the incident wreaked havoc on agricultural land, destroying cash crops spread across approximately 45 kanals. The response from both administrative authorities and the company management had been notably lacking, said locals, citing a delay in their arrival at the scene. The delay has only compounded the challenges faced by the affected residents, who are grappling with substantial financial losses in the wake of the incidents.

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