October 7, 2024
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Lawyer’s assault symbolizes attempt to undermine legal principles: Advocate Chakshu

The Newz Radar

Dharamshala: The recent incident involving an assault on a lawyer by Palampur police officer has raised concerns about the deteriorating law and order situation in Himachal Pradesh.

Advocate Vishwa Chakshu, spokesperson for the Kangra Bar Association in Dharamshala, condemned the incident, stating that it symbolizes an attempt to undermine not just the individual lawyer but also the principles of law and the constitution. He emphasized the need for swift action by the state government to address such misconduct and ensure justice.

Chakshu highlighted the crucial role lawyers play in upholding peace and justice in society, urging for their protection and respect. He emphasized that the assault on the lawyer is not just an attack on an individual but on the entire legal fraternity and called for impartial investigation and accountability.

Chakshu warned of protests by the legal community if justice is not served.

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