September 29, 2024
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Landslides Threaten Lives in Bithlu of Shahpur Area in Kangra district


Shahpur: Residents of the Bithlu area in Shahpur constituency are living in constant fear as landslides have posed a serious threat to their lives. The affected families, which include children, women, and elderly individuals, are anxiously watching the land around their homes slip away after the recent heavy rains, making the ground dangerously unstable.


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Pritam Chand, a 69-year-old head of one of the affected families, expressed his deep concern about the situation. “We have knocked on every door, but still, no one has visited our area. I have my children, their wives, and grandsons here. We are feeling unsafe,” he said. Pritam’s family, consisting of nine members, lives in a residence that is directly threatened by the ongoing landslides.

Another family facing similar danger is that of Manju Kumar, 36, who lives with his wife and children. Both families are under the jurisdiction of the Sub Divisional Magistrate of Shahpur and have reached out to the sitting Congress MLA, Kewal Pathania, but are still awaiting a response.

The residents are pleading for immediate action to prevent a potential disaster, as the landslides continue to put their lives at risk.

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