October 17, 2024
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Himachal’s pvt universities granted approval to open off-campus centers in state

himachal ugc campus


Dharamshala: In a recent meeting of the University Grants Commission (UGC) council, the proposal for state private universities to open off-campus centers in their respective states has been approved.

However, these universities can establish off-campus centers only after offering various degree programs at their main campus for five years. Notably, there will be a one-time processing fee of Rs 10 lakh for establishing an off-campus center, in addition to other periodic fees.

UGC Secretary Professor

Manish Joshi has written to states and universities regarding this matter.

The UGC has also invited applications from state private universities to open off-campus centers, subject to meeting academic, infrastructure, faculty, and other criteria.

The approval to establish such campuses will be granted based on fulfilling these requirements. It is mandatory for the respective university to have a lease on land for 30 years to establish the campus, and approval from their executive and academic councils is also necessary.

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