September 20, 2024
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Himachal weather: Monsoon weakens as state sees 22% less rain this year, only 2 districts got it in excess


After weeks of heavy rainfall and cloudy skies, Himachal Pradesh finally witnessed a respite as the monsoon has weakened across the state. Shimla, the state capital, basked in sunshine this morning for the first time in many days, bringing a welcome change for residents and tourists alike.

According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the monsoon is expected to remain weak for the next three days. While most of the state will enjoy clear weather, light rain may still occur in some areas, particularly in the districts of Kangra, Sirmaur, Solan, Shimla, Kullu and Mandi on Thursday (August 22, 2024). However, the weather is forecasted to remain clear across the state on Friday and the day after.

Over the last 24 hours, only a few places in Himachal Pradesh have experienced light rainfall, signalling a significant reduction in monsoon activity. Despite this temporary lull, the IMD has warned that the monsoon will regain strength from August 25, with widespread rainfall expected across the state until August 28.


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This year’s monsoon has been erratic, delivering 22 per cent less rainfall than usual. From June 1 to August 21, the state typically receives an average of 550.4 mm of rainfall. However, this year, the recorded rainfall has been only 430.3 mm. Shimla and Kangra are the only districts where rainfall has exceeded the normal levels, while the rest of the state has experienced a shortfall.

The impact of the monsoon has been severe, causing extensive damage to both public and private property. Government reports estimate that property worth Rs 119.54 crore has been destroyed. The heavy rains have completely razed 134 houses, while another 382 houses have suffered partial damage. Additionally, 55 shops, 3 labour sheds and 399 cowsheds (gaushalas) have also been destroyed.

Last week’s rainfall led to the closure of 55 roads across the state. The Public Works Department (PWD) has assured that restoration efforts were underway with work proceeding at a war footing. The department aims to reopen all roads by August 25, providing much-needed relief to commuters.

As the state enjoys a brief period of sunshine, residents are advised to remain cautious as more rainfall is expected to return later this month.

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