Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said in Shimla on Saturday (August 3, 2024) that during the special drive of Revenue Lok Adalats since October 2023 to July 2024, a total of 1,63,268 mutations, 9,417 partition, 12,453 demarcation and 2,427 revenue correction cases were resolved across the state.
An initiative of the state government to redress the revenue-related grievances of the people for the first time in the country had been showing remarkable results, he said. In July 2024 alone, during special Lok Adalats on July 30-31, 10,746 cases of mutation, 408 of partition and 541 of demarcation were disposed of, besides ensuring 131 revenue correction entries. Additionally, 16,514 mutations, 554 partitions, 2142 demarcations and 464 revenue correction cases were also disposed of in July, thereby resolving a total of 31,500 revenue cases.
“The numbers speak for themselves and the overwhelming response to Revenue Lok Adalats has effectively resolved a record number of pending revenue cases in a time-bound manner. It is for the first time that any state government has focused on disposing of pending revenue cases on a mission mode and tangible results are evident. Other states are now copying the model,” the Chief Minister said.
He stated that the special drive to organise Revenue Lok Adalats started in October 2023, and now these Adalats were conducted during the last two working days of every month to expedite the pending revenue-related cases. Sukhu highlighted the state’s commitment to offering quality services at the doorstep as a gesture of good and effective governance. He said that it was the priority of the state government to alleviate the grievances of the people without delay.