Cabinet Expansion Buzz: Two New Ministers Expected Ahead of LS Elections

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Shimla:As anticipation builds for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the political landscape in the state is abuzz with the possibility of a cabinet expansion. The spotlight is on the Kangra and Hamirpur parliamentary constituencies, where two new ministers are expected to be appointed.

The Kangra parliamentary constituency, long-awaiting significant responsibilities, is poised to secure a ministerial position, while Hamirpur is also in contention for representation. Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukkhu and state president Pratibha Singh have engaged in crucial discussions, considering the completion of one year of the state government, preparations for the elections, and the imminent cabinet expansion.

Yadwinder Goma from Kangra emerges as a frontrunner for a ministerial position, particularly under the party’s intention to allocate cabinet roles to legislators from the Scheduled Caste category. Meanwhile, the race for the second ministerial position sees Rajesh Dharmani from Ghumarwin and Rajendra Rana from Sujanpur making significant strides.

In Mandi, discussions are underway for possible inclusion in the cabinet expansion, with Chandrashekhar under consideration for the role of Deputy Chief Whip. The strategic move aims to address political dynamics in Mandi ahead of the elections.

The cabinet expansion, anticipated after the state government’s one-year mark on December 11, could witness the filling of two out of three vacant positions. The cabinet’s total strength, including the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, stands at 12 ministers, with nine positions currently filled. Sudhir Sharma and Rajendra Rana remain key figures in the unfolding scenario, with one seat potentially remaining vacant after the expansion.

Sunil Chadda

Sunil Chadda