October 6, 2024
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Election Commission mandates printer, publisher names on campaign material

kangra committee

The Newz Radar

Dharamshala: As the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 approach, the Election Commission has enforced strict guidelines in Kangra dustrict regarding campaign materials such as pamphlets, posters, and handbills.

According to District Election Officer Hemraj Bairwa, it is mandatory for all printed materials to bear the name of the printer and publisher, alongside adhering to the Model Code of Conduct.

Bairwa emphasized the importance of respectful language in campaign materials, urging political parties to refrain from content that may offend individuals or communities. Assurances were given regarding the impartiality and peaceful conduct of the elections, with all necessary arrangements being made to ensure a free and fair electoral process.

Bairwa stressed the need for prior written permission from the relevant authorities before displaying campaign materials in public spaces or on private property. He also reiterated that private funding for campaign activities must be transparent, with any expenditure being duly recorded and attributed to the candidate or party’s accounts.

Preparations for the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 in Kangra district are reported to be nearing completion, with committees formed at various levels and regular review meetings underway to oversee the process.

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