September 20, 2024
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Crumbling Roads: Potholes Turn Deadly After Rain, PWD Unresponsive

potholes rain

Dharamshala/Chamba : – The monsoon rains have once again exposed the precarious state of the roads in Kangra and Chamba districts, turning them into dangerous, accident-prone stretches riddled with potholes. The deteriorating condition of these roads, particularly on key highways and at blind curves, has made them treacherous for commuters, leading to a spike in accidents.


People have repeatedly tried to bring the dire situation to the attention of the Chief Engineer of the Public Works Department (PWD) in Dharamshala, who is responsible for overseeing the infrastructure in Kangra and Chamba. However, these appeals have been met with a concerning lack of response, raising serious questions about the accountability and efficiency of the department.

The issue has not only endangered the lives of motorists but has also significantly tarnished the image of the government. The indifference shown by the PWD’s top officials is at odds with the proactive stance of the department’s minister, Vikramaditya Singh, who is known for his commitment to addressing public grievances.

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Despite Singh’s reputation as a hands-on leader who prioritizes public safety, the inaction from the department under his watch is causing frustration and disillusionment among the residents.

The rainwater-filled potholes, often invisible to drivers until it’s too late, have turned into death traps, causing accidents that have resulted in injuries and damage to vehicles. The failure of the PWD to address these critical issues has only exacerbated the problem, leaving the public to wonder why their concerns are falling on deaf ears.

As the monsoon continues, the roads will only worsen, leading to more accidents and public outcry. The silence from the Chief Engineer of the PWD in Dharamshala is not just a failure in communication but a dereliction of duty that is eroding public trust in the government’s ability to ensure basic road safety.

It is imperative that immediate action is taken to repair the roads and restore public confidence. The ball is now in the court of the PWD to step up and address these pressing concerns, or risk further damage to the reputation of both the department and its minister.

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