October 6, 2024
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BJP Breaks Silence: Raises Concerns Over DGP Controversy After Prolonged Silence

The Newz Radar

Shimla: In a surprising turn of events, the BJP finally spoke out on the DGP controversy after an extended period of silence.

The party, previously reserved on the matter, actively criticized the government’s handling of the issue.

Balbir Verma, BJP spokesperson and MLA, addressed the media, expressing concern over the delayed response from the party. He underscored the significance of the High Court’s order to remove Sanjay Kundu from the position of DGP, alleging a lack of fairness in the judicial process.

Verma acknowledged the party’s previous silence on the matter but emphasized that recent developments, particularly the court’s intervention, compelled them to raise their voice.

As the controversy unfolded, the party aimed to position itself as a vocal critic of the government’s handling of key issues, particularly in matters of justice and law enforcement. The following days likely witnessed intensified political discourse surrounding this controversy and its implications for the state’s governance.

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