September 20, 2024
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Encroachment Drive at Palampur Catches Attention as ‘Tar Far Dhaba’ Becomes the Focus

Encroachment drive

Palampur: To clear illegal encroachments, civic authorities in Palampur have launched a major crackdown on unauthorized structures and encroachments in the city. Over the past week, the municipal administration has been warning residents to remove illegal encroachments in the Palampur market. However, many did not take the warnings seriously, prompting a joint operation on Saturday by the Municipal Corporation, Public Works Department (PWD), and Revenue Department.

Led by Municipal Corporation Mayor Gopal Nag, the operation included Municipal Commissioner Dr. Ashish Sharma, local councilors, departmental officers, and a police team. The drive targeted unauthorized constructions near the Sainik Rest House, particularly focusing on the encroachment under the electricity transformer by the ‘Tar Far Dhaba,’ a local eatery. The illegal structures were dismantled, and a stern warning was issued to the encroachers.

According to the municipal administration, this action against illegal encroachments on government land will continue in the coming days. In addition, the authorities are also focusing on removing grills and signboards placed on vacant spaces along the roads outside shops.

Mayor Gopal Nag emphasized that complaints about illegal constructions and encroachments on government land have been steadily increasing. “Encroachments have led to frequent traffic jams and inconvenience to pedestrians. We are committed to taking strict action against those encroaching on municipal land,” said Nag, warning encroachers within the municipal limits to comply with regulations.

The crackdown has already caught the public eye, particularly due to the dismantling of the ‘Tar Far Dhaba.’ The move by the civic authorities is seen as a decisive step towards restoring public spaces and ensuring smooth traffic flow in the market area. As the operation continues, more such actions are expected to remove illegal structures and encroachments that have become a growing concern in Palampur.

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