October 6, 2024
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BBMB to install new sirens to alert Mandi residents when Pandoh Dam gates open

MANDI: As soon as the gates of Pandoh Dam open to release water, loud sirens will sound from the dam up to Mandi city, alerting residents immediately.

The Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) is set to install an early warning system at Pandoh Dam to ensure public safety. BBMB Superintending Engineer Ajaypal Singh shared this information during a media briefing following a ceremony marking the 48th foundation day of the Beas-Satluj Link (BSL) project at Pandoh Dam.

Ajaypal revealed that the tender for this sensor-based early warning system had been issued, with installation expected within next two months. Six sirens will be strategically placed along the Beas river from Pandoh Dam to Mandi city.

These omnidirectional sirens will not only sound an alarm but also broadcast voice messages to provide clear instructions. Previously, sirens were manually operated and limited to the vicinity of Pandoh Dam and the market area. The new system will be fully automated, enhancing public safety.

The Superintending Engineer clarified that the Pandoh Dam is a diversion dam, not a storage dam. It channels 8,500 cusecs of water through a tunnel to Baggi, with the excess water released into the Beas river.

He cautioned that during the rainy season, the water level could rise unexpectedly and people should avoid the Beas river and other water bodies.

He said a proposal was in the works to install protection walls in residential areas near Pandoh. The plan has been drafted and will soon be submitted for final approval.

Once approved and funded, the project, estimated to cost Rs 8 to 10 crore, will commence. He also noted that the BBMB management is considering the status of part-time workers, with a decision expected soon.

The 48th foundation day ceremony of the BSL project included a heartfelt tribute to those who lost their lives during its construction. BBMB officials also planted trees at the Pandoh rest house.

The event was attended by Superintending Engineer of Dehar Power House Vikas Sharma, Additional Superintending Engineer SP Sharma, Deputy Chief Accounts Officer VK Chawla, Senior Executive Engineer PC Chauhan, Rajesh Gupta, Vivek Chopra, Dinesh Yadav, Gulshan Maan and many other officials, employees and local residents.

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