June 28, 2024
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Himachal electricity board ditches English to introduce Hindi power bills

electricity board

Move expected to particularly empower consumers in rural areas

Dharamshala: To ensure easier comprehension for consumers, the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board has initiated a significant transition: electricity bills will be printed in Hindi instead of English starting this month.

The proactive step seeks to empower individuals who are not proficient in English to better understand the intricacies of their electricity bills. The transition to Hindi bills has been facilitated by updating the software in the reading machines utilised by the electricity board staff. Previously, the software was only capable of generating bills in English. However, with the installation of the updated software version, bills are now being seamlessly printed in Hindi directly from the reading machines.

The initiative is particularly impactful for consumers residing in rural areas across the state. By providing bills in Hindi, the electricity board aims to simplify the billing process and ensure that all consumers, regardless of their language proficiency, can comprehend the details of their electricity usage and charges.

Vikash Thakur, Executive Engineer of Dharamshala, emphasised the importance of this transition, stating that it would not only facilitate better understanding of the bills but also streamline the information presented. Previously, several consumers struggled to grasp details such as subsidy amounts, meter rents and the basis for government charges. However, with the introduction of Hindi bills, crucial information such as reading units, electricity usage, billing amounts and payment deadlines will now be clearly communicated.

The move is expected to empower rural consumers, eliminating the need for external assistance to interpret their electricity bills. By providing information in Hindi, the electricity board aims to foster greater transparency and ease of access, ultimately enhancing consumer satisfaction and engagement with the billing process.

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