October 7, 2024
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81 roads, 254 electricity transformers closed in Himachal’s Chamba distt

roads electricity transformers himachal chamba

The Newz Radar

Chamba: The harsh weather condition has severely affected the road and electricity infrastructure in Himachal’s Chamba district. For the past three days, thousands of villages in the district have been plunged into darkness, with many deprived of road connectivity.

On Wednesday, the Public Works Department and the Electricity Board launched a campaign on a war footing to restore their disrupted services amidst the harsh weather conditions.

Out of the 121 roads closed in Chamba district on Wednesday morning due to snow and rainfall, 40 have been reopened.

Out of the 439 electricity transformers that were down, 185 have been restored, leaving 254 transformers still inactive. According to the chief engineer of the Public Works Department’s Dalhousie circle, Divakar Pathania, the road infrastructure is most affected in the Pangi Valley. All 17 roads in the valley are covered with thick layers of snow, severely hampering vehicular movement due to poor visibility.

Pathania further explained that a damaged road section near Rakhlu on the Chamba-Tisa road was repaired on Wednesday evening to allow passage for small vehicles. However, it may take up to two weeks to reopen this road section for heavy vehicles.

Fourth day of blackout in Pangi Valley

The tribal Pangi Valley in Chamba district is completely engulfed in darkness for the fourth consecutive day. The electricity supply in the valley has been disrupted due to heavy snowfall, rendering all powerhouses of the State Electricity Board non-functional. Glacial inflow has obstructed water flow in the streams where these powerhouses are located, resulting in the halt of electricity generation. This has led to a blackout situation throughout the entire Pangi Valley.

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